Do you know how old your company’s HVAC system is, or the last time that regular maintenance was performed? If your system is more than a decade old and hasn’t received service on a regular basis, it’s very likely that it has developed some serious problems that could be costing you a lot of money. Components of your commercial HVAC system, such as the heater, boiler, or air conditioning structures, will wear out over time. It’s very likely that these shortcomings in your aging HVAC system are reflected in your rising energy bill. Why should you be paying more money for a system that isn’t working as well as it should be?

There are many telltale signs to look out for that indicate a failing HVAC system. Tradesmen of New England works with many commercial and industrial spaces in Massachusetts to maintain, service, and replace outdated and underperforming HVAC systems. If you notice any or all of these warning signs, contact us immediately to schedule a consultation.


Generally speaking, your HVAC system shouldn’t be making any noises that you wouldn’t normally associate with a healthy piece of machinery. If you hear strange noises such as rattling, grinding, hissing, or a consistent thumping sound, it could be an indication of a mechanical failure such as a component that has come loose or fallen apart altogether.

Grinding sounds are never a good sign because that indicates that there is a degree of friction occurring somewhere in the system. When metal components are contacting each other, it’s likely that something is broken and that your system is working harder than it needs to in an attempt to compensate for its underperformance.

Any strange noise should be noted, including how often it occurs, and from where in the HVAC system that it appears to be emanating. These details will help our technicians pinpoint the problem quickly and recommend a solution.

If your HVAC system seems to power on and off at random intervals throughout the day, it could be an indication that there is a problem with the power supply. Interruptions in power may mean that the electricity being sent to the HVAC system is insufficient to keep it running continuously, putting strain on your building’s power systems.
Frequent stops and starts can also indicate that your HVAC system is overheating, and the safety measures built into the system automatically cut power as part of its protocol to prevent a fire hazard.
Because of the filters that are in place in a healthy HVAC system, the air that comes from your vents should always be crisp, clean, and generally odorless. If you ever notice a strange smell being produced by your HVAC system, then something is not working correctly. Don’t ignore these smells — on a practical level, nobody wants to work in a smelly environment, but even more importantly, some of these strange odors could be potentially toxic. If your HVAC system is inadvertently expelling the fumes of a leaking chemical, it could be harmful to everyone in your building. Our HVAC technicians can quickly pinpoint the source of any strange odors and recommend a solution to keep everyone safe.
Ideally, your HVAC system should be creating a consistent temperature and air quality environment throughout your building. If you notice uncharacteristically cold or hot spots throughout your building, it’s likely that your HVAC system is having trouble keeping up, or that there is an area in your system that is admitting more airflow than it needs to, preventing the rest of your building from being properly ventilated.
You may be experiencing all or none of these common issues with commercial HVAC systems, but one area where troubles are almost always immediately recognizable is on the energy bill. A sudden spike in your energy expenditure can indicate a system failure, as a healthy HVAC system should not cause unforeseen spikes in energy demands. Seasonal demands may cause a consistent, easily tracked rise and fall in energy spending, but if you notice big spikes, it could be due to a damaged HVAC system.

Your company’s HVAC system should be one of the last things that you need to worry about. Contact Tradesmen of New England in Massachusetts to assess your HVAC system, and we can help you set up a maintenance and service plan that will keep your systems up and running with no problems. Whether you need repairs to an existing HVAC system or would like to upgrade to an entirely new system, Tradesmen of New England can handle it all. Contact us today to speak with an HVAC professional and schedule your consultation.